- Cardiologist specializing in Genetic Aortic Disease
Massachusetts General Hospital - Cardiologist
Massachusetts General Hospital for Children
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital
Cardiovascular Research Center
Simches Research Building
185 Cambridge Street, 3.212
Boston, MA 02114
The Lindsay Lab is primarily interested in the clinical expression and molecular etiology of human aortic aneurysm. Aneurysm represents the anatomic expression of aortic organ failure with dilation and eventual tear; an event termed “dissection” associated with high mortality. In our research we use human and murine genetics as well as animal modeling to investigate the etiology and pathologic progression of inherited and sporadic aortic disease. Through our findings we hope to discover better diagnostics and novel therapies for patients with aneurysmal conditions.
Research Areas
Vascular Biology and Metabolism
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